Not much is honestly known, you basically know a god when you see one. They are powerful companding beings, who strike fear even into the hearts ot grewls. They can be kind, they can be cruel, it all depends on what you did, and what mood they are in.
The Gods are Divided into groups, and those groups watch over specific races. Death and Hades being there own group and such govern exclusivly there own races.
Demi gods
Are halfing gods that are no ware near as powerful as their parents. They do not have races to manage, but will take over duities for their god parent. Depending on what their powers consisit of.
More info on what races blong to what group/god:
Lord Death Has the following: Reapers, revers reapers, Shadows, Death Angles, Nightmares.
Hades has the following: Monsters.
Ares has the fallowing: Demons, Grewls, Werewolves, werecats * Ares took ware cats in after the banish ment of their god bast*