Name: Rosina Almaviva
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
History: Very sweet, kind, caring, and loving. She tries to befriend before she gives someone the cold shoulder, but when it gets to the cold shoulder, she really knows how to do it. She wasn't born with that hard side. It actually developed a couple years ago because she fell in love, then got raped and had three kids from it, then her lover died, and then her kids died. So this is where her cold shoulder side came from. You'll know when she's mourning over those she's lost because she'll do a minor cold shoulder thing, in which case, just give her a hug.
Other: Also had a brother that died and lost her parents at a young age.
Name: Demeter Bitchiness (yes, I couldn't resist.)
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: She don't deserve one!
Race: Goddess
History: Bitch...bitch...bitch...and...B TO THE I TO THE TCH!
Other: I think the above statement sums it up. In short, she hates Hades. Only time she didn't was when she was drunk and saw her daughter heart broken from a guy breaking up with ehr. Other than that, hates him. Hates their kids (when they have them.) Hates it all. Hate hate hate. Bitch bitch bitch.
Name: Laila Darkheart
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: I need to find some pics...
Race: Reaper
History: A very sweet girl usually, but she was aged to 13 after her mother's death by her father, Loki. He was devastated with the loss but kept giong for Laila. Shortly after they found Lysteria, Lyrantica, and Lyran, he was killed during one of his lists, officially making her an orphan. The loss of her parents and her twin brother (who died just after their mother did from illness) has caused her to go a little insane, despite the fact that she doesn't get the same lists as guys, her life was enough to push her pretty close to the edge.
Other: I believe we were going to save her Death and Antoinette's son.
Name: Lyran Darkheart
Gender: Male
Race: Reaper
History: Way older than Lyrantica. He's VERY OVERLY protective over her because so many of his siblings that were born between them were killed by their crazy grandparents on their mother's side. He's basically so protective of Lyrantica, he won't even explain to her what sex is. So yeah...
Other: He's actually a nice guy when you can get through his protective shell.
Name: Lyrantica Darkheart
Gender: Female
Race: Reaper
History: Her parents died when she was ten. She refuses to talk much. Very few have gotten through her shell. The only time she seems to really open up is when she's on stage. She went to school with Miesko, Mieshka, and Billy and was actually good friends with them. They were the few that could get her to talk to them. She's really waiting for that one guy. She's very dark and wants to change, but hasn't found the motivation, which is what she's hoping she'll find when she finds the one she belongs with. She is positively driven up a wall by her brother.
Other: She is just so damn innocent it ain't even funny. She basically won't know what sex is until Shard demonstrates. She never gets a single sex joke.
Name: Lysteria Darkheart
Gender: Female
Race: Reaper
History: Lyran's twin sister, and really the oldest, since she was born first. She loves to abuse her brother and defend her sister and adopted Laila after Loki's death. She died when she was 13 and then Lord Death brought her back to life for reasons unknown still, but she's going to take advantage of her new found life.
Other: Pretty good with a katana.
Name: Mokey Fraggle
Gender: Female
Race: Witch/Siren
History: Beautiful singing voice. She's got a medium build and is pretty strong. Despite being a 70s girl through and through, she actually joined the marines for a while, and became one of the only girls to climb the ladder of positions at great neck speed, although she finally got out of it when she was ranked as a Staff Sergeant. After that, she just went on to be her usual 70s hippie self.
Other: Still got the war vet attitude but is still very much for peace and loves disco. Take her to a roller disco and you're her friend for life.
Name: Billy Ferguson
Gender: Male
PICK IN PLACE: should still be there.
Race: Vampire/Empath
History: Gay. So damn gay. he was mocked in school for being so gay. His father never found out though. Oh no. He would've thrown a fit to hell and back. Mieshka and Miesko actually met Billy because they...well...nearly got expelled from the school for what they did to the kids who were bullying Billy. He's a PHENOMENAL horn player, and has a decent baritone voice when he really wants to sing. The one thing he'll never tell anyone that doesn't yet know though, is that LSO (London Symphony Orchestra) wanted him to be their concert master when he was only 13 because he's just that good of a violinist. He actually beats Mieshka on the violin. He REALLY beats her. He had all the girls at the school chasing his tail because if it wasn't the fact that he looked cute, it was because his voice was just that enchanting or because of his violin skills.
Other: so damn gay.
Name: Dwayne Kelso
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
History: A real insult to the werewolf species. He's incredibly stupid. He occasionally has his moments when he's smart. He sees himself as extremely handsome, like the most handsome guy on earth, but he's really pretty average looking. He isn't one for commitment in relationships and just likes to fool around with girls. He played trumpet at the school Mieshka went to, and was pretty much always last chair and never got to march because he sucked that bad.
Other: Total flirt.
Name: Mistymarie Marion
Gender: Female
RP: Eh...
Race: Shifter (alligator, hourglass dolphin, bull shark)
History: Very sweet and kind. She loves the water. She has no idea what happened to her parents or where she's from. she just woke up one day with no memory of who she was.
Other: None
Name: Ariana Matthers
Gender: Female
Race: Goddess, extremely minor
History: Her position is so matter that no one knows of her existence unless they really look into mythology. Not even all the other gods knows she exists. She wants to find a place where she belongs and find someone to hold onto.
Other: Used to be childhood friends with Persephone.
Name: Michelle Sinatira
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: Should still be there.
Race: Werewolf
History: She's lucky to even grow a tail or ears. She's NEVER fully shifted. EVER. No one knows why, but she doesn't care. She likes feeling like a constant damsel in distress because she thinks it'll help her find the one. She wants to find a guy that's caring and protective and wants a large family because, let's face it, the Sinatira women aren't known for having only a couple of kids.
Other: Was a guest to Mieshka's school during marching season as drum line was always short one girl in cymbal line.
Name: Mieshka Sinatira
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: Should still be there.
Race: Witch
History: She was given the title of Grand High Witch after she fought in a brutal magical duel with her so many greats aunt who was rather insane. She has a very nasty temper and is kind of love sick because she lost her last lover, and the one she thought she was meant to be with, to the aunt mentioned earlier. She also had to kill her grandmother because she went a little crazy. She also has parts of her past she can never mention because it just drives her over the edge and back and over the edge again. she went to a private music school where she excelled in every instrument. Few could surpass her, and when they did, it was only on one instrument. She believes that her and Miesko have the same father as Michelle, but...they may be wrong.
Other: Mira's daughter, Michelle's big sister, and Miesko's twin sister. She considers Billy to be a brother.
Name: Miesko Sinatira
Gender: Male
PICK IN PLACE: I shall find one.
Race: Warlock
History: Mieshka's equal in black magic. No one does the black like he does. Anyone who's seen what he can do knows it is a DAMN good thing he's not evil. If he were, the world would parish in a war just to defeat him. Against the world, he probably would die, but he won't go out without a bang. Can you tell he's Mieshka's twin brother yet? The only two he fears are Mieshka and Mira. Mira because she's mama. Mieshka because...oh...she has a temper and she knows things about him no one else knows. But he also has that black mail on her, so, she does have to watch it.
Other: He died at the age of 13. He was brought back by a crazy stalker girl from school that wanted him, he came back evil, more confused though, killed her, and tried to kill Mieshka because he thought he was going back to the dead world and didn't want to be alone anymore, but yeah, he was brought back to the real world and became the devious good boy he is. He has an alchemy star circle on his forehead and back. No one knows why. He was born with them.
Name: Mira Sinatira
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: Should still be there.
Race: Witch
History: Pretty powerless. She can do basic spells, but nothing extreme. if a guy wants to marry her, he better be ready for kids galore because it's pretty much impossible for her to NOT get pregnant. In 50 years, she managed to have over 60 kids, this includes Mieshka, Miesko, and Michelle. Out of respect for family tradition, she gave mieshka and Miesko names that start with Ms, even though she didn't want to, because she knew one of them would be the next Grand High Witch (thank god it was Mieshka). Michelle's name was picked by her father and Mira's LATEST husband (but not the one she'll be married to in the RP, meaning Grunge.) She hopes to get married again, and hopefully to the right one at long last.
Other: Very protective over her kids that stay with her because many have moved away and lost contact with her or have died. Very heart broken over the ones she's lost.
Name: Seraphina Sinatira
Gender: Female
Race: Witch/Angel Halfbreed
History: Was thought to be dead but was actually just MIA. She's had a rough past that she prefers to keep to herself, involving a lunatic of a man forcing her to marry him and blah blah blah blah, we'll work this out as we play.
Other: is a child from Mira's first marriage.
This is going to be Sands's girl. I wanted her to be related to the Sinatira's still. It felt weird. so I'll figure something out with Niamerita.
Name: Sapphire Stratovsky
Gender: Female
PICK IN PLACE: Um...did we get one for her?
Race: Demon/Valh mix
History: Oh god does she love fire. It's like her calling. It's pretty much impossible. Her father was a demon, so there's fire, and her mother was a Valh who's biggest power source was fire. So yeah. Fire, fire, and more fire. She can't get enough of it. Her main source of attack is fire. She loves her fire.
Other: Rather insane. Her and Mieshka are best friends and will have a bit of a lesbianistic relationship occasionally, usually when they feel sex-deprived.
Name: Melantha Stravinsky
Gender: Female
Race: Valh
History: She became good friends with Phire and Mieshka. All three of them got some bad ass attitude, and, even though it's never happened, occasionally lead their husbands on to think they've had threesomes together. She has a temper that can be matched to Phire's, which is pretty damn awesome. And then she's just about as stubborn as Mieshka, sometimes more so depending on the day and the topic.
Other: Just awesome.
Name: Leanna Tomkovich
Gender: Female
Race: Werewolf
History: Nothing special. She doesn't have much history. Rather basic. Grew up with her parents. She got older. Never fell in love. her parents died. She moved on and got over it and just kept going. Yep.
Other: Nope.
Name: Niamerita (Nia) Ziegler
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
History: Acts nothing like an elf. She does care for nature though. She's a tomboy to the extreme and about as crazy as it gets. She runs and climbs in trees and rarely ever sits still.
She loves to explore and is currently saying that she's on a soul search.
Other: Meh.
Name: Antoinette ?
Gender: Female
Race: Goddess
History: Been married to Death for far too long to not have his kid yet, which even though she's immortal and technically can't age, she's finally just hit the point where she's using the "biological clock" thing as an excuse. She knows he's busy though and still loves him deeply, but she got needs. She's very close friends with Persephone and probably understands Phessy more than anyone else.
Other: Death's wife.
Name: Persephone ?
Gender: Female
Race: Goddess
History: I'm guessing we're starting over, so she's currently Hades's girlfriend, although she's unaware of the fact that they got drunk and married in Vegas. Lol. She's a very sweet girl, but man can she have a temper when you push the right buttons. She finally accepted Hades after receiving a break up letter from one of the guys she'd been seeing when she wasn't with Hades. She got the letter while at her mother's, her mother was drunk, said she was stupid for being so mean to Hades, and yeah.
Other: BEYOND terrified of water due to a childhood incident. She has been raised to believe her mother saved her, but she doesn't know the truth. Got a few guys chasing her occasionally because her mother tried to set her up with them.
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